Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Cirlce of Rembrandt's "Head of Christ"

While we didn't participate in classroom discussions or have professor-given lectures this past week in my Doctrine and Covenants class, we were privileged to attend Brigham Young University's Museum of Art and receive a guided tour (albeit it short) of their permanent religious art display. While there are several truly beautiful and awesome paintings on display there at all times (which can be visited free of charge during all open hours. See moa.byu.edu for more info), I wanted to express how I feel and my reaction with regards to one simple portrait made by the Circle of Rembrandt (composed of Rembrandt and perhaps some apprentices and artists under his tutelage).

The first thought that comes to me when I look upon this painting is one of warmth; I always notice the dark, rich colors used all around Jesus' head, and the brilliantly natural glow that emanates from his face. (see the humongous link that follows to see an image of this painting http://monet.byu.edu/emuseum/code/emuseum.asp?style=browse&currentrecord=1&page=search&profile=objects&searchdesc=head%20of%20christ&quicksearch=head%20of%20christ&newvalues=1&newstyle=single&newcurrentrecord=1) One of things mentioned by our museum guide was where the source of light is coming from that glows on Christ's visage: from Christ himself. In other words, he seems to be the light glowing outward rather than some other light shining in on him. Whether the intention of Rembrandt or not, I can't say for sure, but I am grateful to have the scriptures which contain the words of Christ as recorded by personal witnesses. In the Book of Mormon, we find an almost incredible account of a people gathered around after physical destruction has caused the deaths of many and injury to many others. These people are talking to one another about the amazing, terrible things which have occurred all around them in the recent days when the resurrected Jesus Christ descends from the heavens and appears to them. (I would encourage you to read this entire chapter, it can be found at http://scriptures.lds.org/3_ne/11 ) Notice verse 10 and 11 in which Christ speaks to the people; "Behold, I am Jesus Christ, whom the prophets testified shall come into the world. And behold, I am the light and the life of the world." I know that Christ and his teachings really are THE light of the world and that warmth awaits those who feel spiritually cold.

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