Friday, January 30, 2009

Bueno, que se indica por el título de mi blog, quisiera publicar de vez en cuando en español también. A ver si poner los tildes y acentos me da la gana...
Mi blog se trata principalmente de las cosas que he aprendido o percibido durante la clase que estoy tomando en la universidad de Brigham Young (BYU) en Provo, Utah. La clase se llama Doctrina y Convenios, su nombre viene del libro, llamado lo mismo. Esta semana se nos enseñó el principio de que Dios, como Juez justo, nos permite escoger lo malo aunque haga daño a los justos, y esto para que sus juicios para nosotros sean rectos. Pues, me gustaría tratar una parte de ese principio que a mí me ha tocado mucho en esta última día, y es que Dios permite.
Una decisión muy importante y bien pesada se me ha presentado últimamente, una que podría afectar mi vida mucho para siempre. He buscado los consejos de padres, amigos, mi obispo (soy mormon, y cada congregación tiene obispo que es llamado para velar por los miembros de su congregación y sus necesidades y bienestar). También he buscado mucho saber la voluntad de mi Padre Celestial en cuanto a mi decision a traves de la oracion. Al pedirle respuesta, no me llega. Llegó el momento en que tuve que tomar mi decision. En ese momento, me sentí con mucha confianza y tranquilidad al tomar la decision. No fue porque se me revelara algo clarito, diciendome lo que Dios quiere que yo haga. Mas bien, me di cuenta de que como Padre, Dios me tiene muchísima confianza y que él me permite tomar las decisiones para que yo aprenda a ejercer mis facultades de pensar y razonar. Yo sí creo que nos provee guia siempre, pero por lo general, yo creo que nos deja con la oportunidad de usar nuestras capacidades de pensar para decidir lo mejor que podamos y que él nos apoya en esas decisiones. En vez de decidir por mí, él me permitió decidir, cosa que me enseña cuanto Dios cree en mí y cual podría ser mi potencial como hijo suyo. Bueno, espero que tenga sentido todo eso. Dime si tienes alguna pregunat o comentario al respecto. Buenas noches!

That Justice may prevail

This past week in my Doctrine and Covenants class (I'm a student at BYU or Brigham Young University where we are able to take classes about religious subjects) one comment was made that I paid particular attention to; (I paraphrase) "God allows mankind to commit sins, even to the detriment of others, so that His judgments of them and their punishment are just." I want to discuss a topic which is a bit of a side-step from this statement but which I thought of in response. I have come to appreciate this week the amazing principle and truth that God allows. As was hinted at in my first blog post, my life has taken an unexpected turn in the recent weeks. I have had placed before me a weighty, crucially important decision that could truly determine so much of my future and my relationship with my Heavenly Father. As I went about seeking guidance from peers, trusted friends, parents, and inspiration through prayer, the clear-cut, easily-recognized answer I was hoping for never opened before me. I felt so weighed down by the weight of this situation and decision, wondering how and/or when God would reveal to me the path to take. Never happened.
And yet just a couple of nights ago, I was blessed with profound peace as I made a decision. I didn't make this decision because I God told me to, but rather because God allowed me to. He trusts me enough to examine a decision, do everything I can to seek his will, then decide based on what I feel would be best. I have struggled for so long to understand how great the trust is that Heavenly Father has in me, I was resistent to the idea that I am a capable individual with mental capacities to help guide and direct me. Now this brings me to an important point; I do believe that God can, and often does, provide specific guidance to do certain things, and I also believe that whenever He leaves a decision for us to make even after we have done all we could to seek His will, He will always protect us from going too far down a wrong path. This is taught beautifully by Elder Richard G. Scott (one of the 12 apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or Mormon church);
"What do you do when you have prepared carefully, have prayed fervently, waited a reasonable time for a response, and still do not feel an answer? You may want to express thanks when that occurs, for it is an evidence of His trust. When you are living worthily and your choice is consistent with the Savior’s teachings and you need to act, proceed with trust. As you are sensitive to the promptings of the Spirit, one of two things will certainly occur at the appropriate time: either the stupor of thought will come, indicating an improper choice, or the peace or the burning in the bosom will be felt, confirming that your choice was correct. When you are living righteously and are acting with trust, God will not let you proceed too far without a warning impression if you have made the wrong decision." (

I am thankful that God allows; He allows us to make our own decisions because He trusts us and our ability to do good. I am also thankful to know that Jesus Christ has paid the price for my sins so that I can repent and be forgiven for those mistakes I have made after making a wrong choice. God is just. But just as important is that God is merciful.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Peace amidst turmoil

Here goes post number one. Today has proven to be a particularly...unique and exacting day. Life's circumstances have made it clear that I can't and won't ever have TOTAL control over them. At times today, and on many other occasions past, it almost seems that Life's Circumstances have spoken through a megaphone; as the message rings through my ears, I may misinterpret them as saying that I have NO control. But I have found peace in the belief (and personal experience) that despite difficult-to-manage situations will always affect me, I am in control of certain things and I will have the blessing of deciding how certain things in life turn out.

Niccolo Machiavelli suggested something similar in his book, The Prince (though I ask you to refrain from too quickly comparing me to him). He says, "I estimate that even if fortune is the arbiter of half our actions, she still allows to control the other half, or thereabouts." While I don't know what fraction or percentage of life's circumstances are left to "fortune" (or powers out of our control), I do believe that I have been granted the ability to act for myself and to make certain decisions as I see fit. Tonight I have had occasion to feel tossed about by what feels like untameable circumstances, but thanks to reflection, prayer to my Father in heaven, and the power to act for myself, I have found tranquility and peace.

I have never blogged before. In fact, I had no idea how to. But I found some helpful info on the website and here I go! Along with a video about what blogs are (, this website contains a few excerpts from a talk or lecture that Elder M. Russell Ballard gave about using New Media (such as blogs) to share with others our personal beliefs and experiences, hoping that good can come of it. Elder Ballard is what we call an Apostle, or messenger, for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (or, the Mormon church). I am grateful for the opportunity to follow his counsel in hopes that I can get acquainted with others willing to share their thoughts and points of view. I am a member of the mormon church and I especially look forward to sharing, through this Blog, something of "Things that me interesan" (Or, "Things that interest me." I hope to contribute in spanish also, thus the mixed blog title.) I believe that while many things things are beyond my own control and will, there is an all-Loving and all-Powerful creator, and I believe that he is my and your Father in heaven. With this belief comes that belief and peace that all things are within His control and His will.

Good night!