Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Peace amidst turmoil

Here goes post number one. Today has proven to be a particularly...unique and exacting day. Life's circumstances have made it clear that I can't and won't ever have TOTAL control over them. At times today, and on many other occasions past, it almost seems that Life's Circumstances have spoken through a megaphone; as the message rings through my ears, I may misinterpret them as saying that I have NO control. But I have found peace in the belief (and personal experience) that despite difficult-to-manage situations will always affect me, I am in control of certain things and I will have the blessing of deciding how certain things in life turn out.

Niccolo Machiavelli suggested something similar in his book, The Prince (though I ask you to refrain from too quickly comparing me to him). He says, "I estimate that even if fortune is the arbiter of half our actions, she still allows to control the other half, or thereabouts." While I don't know what fraction or percentage of life's circumstances are left to "fortune" (or powers out of our control), I do believe that I have been granted the ability to act for myself and to make certain decisions as I see fit. Tonight I have had occasion to feel tossed about by what feels like untameable circumstances, but thanks to reflection, prayer to my Father in heaven, and the power to act for myself, I have found tranquility and peace.

I have never blogged before. In fact, I had no idea how to. But I found some helpful info on the website and here I go! Along with a video about what blogs are (, this website contains a few excerpts from a talk or lecture that Elder M. Russell Ballard gave about using New Media (such as blogs) to share with others our personal beliefs and experiences, hoping that good can come of it. Elder Ballard is what we call an Apostle, or messenger, for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (or, the Mormon church). I am grateful for the opportunity to follow his counsel in hopes that I can get acquainted with others willing to share their thoughts and points of view. I am a member of the mormon church and I especially look forward to sharing, through this Blog, something of "Things that me interesan" (Or, "Things that interest me." I hope to contribute in spanish also, thus the mixed blog title.) I believe that while many things things are beyond my own control and will, there is an all-Loving and all-Powerful creator, and I believe that he is my and your Father in heaven. With this belief comes that belief and peace that all things are within His control and His will.

Good night!

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