Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Prepared to be blessed

We've reached the end of another semester of school. Wow... Now its just time for final exams! I wanted to write about the final classroom discussion which we had last week about Doctrine and Covenants Section 138. This is quite a unique section, especially because it is a revelation to someone other than Joseph Smith, Jr. It is given to Joseph F Smith, who is the prophet Joseph's nephew. Please take the chance to read the section if you haven't already, for it contains magnificent and awesome truths about the universality of God's plan. He literally created a perfect plan in which not a single one of His children is forgotten or neglected!
This section is about the spirit world, or the place where the spirits of those who have died dwell until the day of resurrection. Professor Holzapfel really did a marvelos job of laying out the context within which this revelation was received. He explained that the theme of death was all around President Smith: he had recently lost a youthful son, the world was at the conclusion of the 1st World War and millions of people had died because of the Influenza virus, not to mention, he himself was on his deathbed and would pass away just days after receiving this revelation which he had sought for so long to understand.
Instead of simply restating all we learned in this class discussion, I would like to share my feelings and beliefs about the principle behind it all: the Lord's perfect plan includes experiences and circumstances which are meant to prepare us to receive blessings and guidance. President Smith was prepared by the many grim happenings to fully appreciate the joy and peace that comes from knowing that God's plan extends far beyond this mortal life and into the eternities. In like manner, I have seen in my own life how experiences and circumstances have truly prepared my mind and my heart for something important to come. For example, several weeks ago, I was in the middle of a situation which was going to have some very lasting effects, depending on the decision I made. One Tuesday afternoon, after having arrived at a conclusion, something happened that really shook me up and left me doubting my decision which I had recently made. I recall asking in anguish why I had to go through the same process again if I had made my decision before? Was it an incorrect decision? I went a couple of days with no resolution, until one evening I found out that the situation I was in was much more serious than previously expected and that pressure was even greater than I had imagined to make the right choice. I made my choice, the same one I had made previously, and I left feeling peaceful and humbled; I realized that I needed to be shaken up a couple of days before, made to seek even deeper confirmation of God's confidence in me. Otherwise, the moment of added pressure and seriousness may have been too much for me to handle had I not had the time to seek strength and guidance. I hope this hasn't been too muddled though I have chosen to withhold certain details. I truly have faith in Christ and know that putting our trust in him will yield the greatest, most wonderful resuts, even when we find ourselves in circumstances which are less than pleasant or favorable

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I first want to start the post this week with a bit of a follow up on my first post ever back in January. In that post, I mentioned a talk given by Russell Ballard, a church leader who encouraged members of the church to engage in the on going discussion about God, religion and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints through use of new media. Well, I found a talk given back in 1946 which contains the same invitation to church members by Elder John Widstoe, a former church leader who occupied, as does Russell Ballard, a position in the quorum of the 12 apostles. In this talk entitled "The Obligation of the Church," John Widstoe discusses the responsibility that he and other members of Christ's Church have to share the gospel with all the world because this gospel is the only one that offers true peace. I quote: "Missionary work must grow in foreign fields as never before; missionary work at home must increase as never before. We shall employ every modern device--the telephone, the telegraph, radio, printing press, the short wave systems..., and the other devices that are coming. We shall use them all in our attempt to win men and women from wickedness to righteousness, from untruth or near truth to full and complete truth, which is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ."
By this quote we see that the counsel and need to employ the means available to us is not unique to this generation of cyberspace and blogging. Rather, the Lord has always guided his servants to make the best use of the most modern processes and technologies to spread His gospel of peace throughout the earth.
I feel grateful for the chance to participate in this worldwide, ongoing discussion of faith and truth. I am so grateful for the modern technologies which are continually being improved upon. These technologies are capable of so much good if used correctly.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Cirlce of Rembrandt's "Head of Christ"

While we didn't participate in classroom discussions or have professor-given lectures this past week in my Doctrine and Covenants class, we were privileged to attend Brigham Young University's Museum of Art and receive a guided tour (albeit it short) of their permanent religious art display. While there are several truly beautiful and awesome paintings on display there at all times (which can be visited free of charge during all open hours. See moa.byu.edu for more info), I wanted to express how I feel and my reaction with regards to one simple portrait made by the Circle of Rembrandt (composed of Rembrandt and perhaps some apprentices and artists under his tutelage).

The first thought that comes to me when I look upon this painting is one of warmth; I always notice the dark, rich colors used all around Jesus' head, and the brilliantly natural glow that emanates from his face. (see the humongous link that follows to see an image of this painting http://monet.byu.edu/emuseum/code/emuseum.asp?style=browse&currentrecord=1&page=search&profile=objects&searchdesc=head%20of%20christ&quicksearch=head%20of%20christ&newvalues=1&newstyle=single&newcurrentrecord=1) One of things mentioned by our museum guide was where the source of light is coming from that glows on Christ's visage: from Christ himself. In other words, he seems to be the light glowing outward rather than some other light shining in on him. Whether the intention of Rembrandt or not, I can't say for sure, but I am grateful to have the scriptures which contain the words of Christ as recorded by personal witnesses. In the Book of Mormon, we find an almost incredible account of a people gathered around after physical destruction has caused the deaths of many and injury to many others. These people are talking to one another about the amazing, terrible things which have occurred all around them in the recent days when the resurrected Jesus Christ descends from the heavens and appears to them. (I would encourage you to read this entire chapter, it can be found at http://scriptures.lds.org/3_ne/11 ) Notice verse 10 and 11 in which Christ speaks to the people; "Behold, I am Jesus Christ, whom the prophets testified shall come into the world. And behold, I am the light and the life of the world." I know that Christ and his teachings really are THE light of the world and that warmth awaits those who feel spiritually cold.

Monday, March 9, 2009

La cuestion entre lo "sagrado" y lo "secreto"

La cuestion entre lo "sagrado" y lo "secreto" y los templos de la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Ultimos Dias (los mormones).
Quizas ud haya visto algun edificio imaculado, blanco y grande cerca de donde vive y se ha preguntado ?que sera? o ?Puedo yo entrar? La Iglesia de Jesucristo ha puesto una gran importancia sobre la construccion de tales edificios llamados templos. En pocas palabras, templo significa la casa de Dios sobre la tierra. De hecho, las palabras "Casa del Senor" estan inscritas sobre la faz de cada templo mormon alrededor del mundo (vease la enlace siguiente para ver las fotos de todos los templos: http://www.lds.org/temples/geographical/0,11380,1899-1,00.html) En mi clase de Doctrina y Convenios de la semana pasada, topamos con la cuestion de la diferencia entre lo sagrado y de lo secreto, hablando particularmente acerca de los templos.

Para que sepa, nosotros como miembros de la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Ultimos Dias consideramos sagrados todos los templos, pero nunca los consideramos secretos. Es decir, queremos que todo el mundo pueda llegar a entrar en un templo de Dios, que pueda conocer las bendiciones eternas que alli se prometen a los fieles, que pueda contratar convenios--o promesas especiales--con Padre Celestial. Pero tambien queremos que uno este preparado de tomar sobre si los compromisos que siguen las bendiciones prometidas del templo, y es por eso que uno tiene que ser miembro digno y activo de la Iglesia de Jesucristo para poder entrar.

las cosas secretas son las cosas que solo una cantidad limitada de gente puede saber o conocer, mientras las cosas sagradas, como las de los templos, son las cosas que todos pueden saber si reunen los requisitos establecidos; no hay discriminacion alguna en cuanto a quien se le permite entrar con tal de que reuna estos requisitos.

Yo estoy enormamente agradecido por la oportunidad de entrar con regularidad a la Casa del Senor para adorarle a mi Salvador y para sentirme rodeado del amor infinito de mi Padre Celestial. Se que ud tambien podra recibir muchas grandes bendiciones por hacerse digno y preparado de entrar en un templo del Senor.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Lord accepts our best efforts

In my Doctrine and Covenants class this past week, we read and discussed section 124 of Doctrine and Covenants (http://scriptures.lds.org/en/dc/124). Part of our classroom discussion was about the many commandments given by the Lord to his prophet Joseph as well as the opposition which prevented Joseph and the other members of the church (persecutions, lack of government protection, etc) from fulfilling these assignments given to them. I really appreciate verse 49 in which the Lord gives some very comforting words:
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, that when I give a commandment to any of the sons of men to do a work unto my name, and those sons of men go with all their might and with all they have to perform that work, and cease not their diligence, and their enemies come upon them and hinder them from performing that work, behold, it behooveth me to require that work no more at the hands of those sons of men, but to accept of their offerings."
I know that our Heavenly Father has blessed me with many talents and gifts and resources to do many good things. But I also know that sometimes circumstances prevent me from accomplishing all the good I could potentially do. It is comforting to me to know that the Lord will accept my efforts nonetheless and that he is realistic in his divine expectations, even though such a concept might seem like a bit of a paradox or oxy-moron: realistic divine expectations.

The prophet Joseph Smith was given a great many things to do, but I have come to recognize that his mission wasn't to complete the preparation of the whole earth for Christ's second coming; rather, I believe that Joseph Smith was called to begin the preparation of the earth for Christ's second coming by restoring such things as the priesthood (see http://www.lds.org/ldsorg/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=bbd508f54922d010VgnVCM1000004d82620aRCRD&locale=0&index=16&sourceId=ab839daac5d98010VgnVCM1000004d82620a____) (Sorry for the super long link, but its worth it!) as well as translating the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ to help all of God's children come to a better knowledge of Jesus and his saving gospel. Joseph did a great deal to ensure that the progress of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints even after he was no longer around. I know that Christ is the head of the church restored, and that God called Joseph Smith to be an insrument in His hands to do a great work that continues today! If you want to know more about this continuing marvelous work, please visit www.mormon.org or any of the links I have provided above.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Life in Prison

I truly am interested in life in prison after attending last week's class discussion about the time spent in prison by Joseph Smith, the prophet-leader of the newly organized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. After so many years of unjust and unwarranted persecution and unrest directed towards him and the other members of the church, Joseph finally had a chance to sit still and ponder for a while--for 5 months, in fact, while locked in a miserable dungeon-of-a-jail.
During this time Joseph's demeanor and very nature changed; he leaves his incarceration with a fresh understanding of God's will for him and the Church. In a recent lecture to a group of young adults, a man named Jeffrey R. Holland, one of 12 current, living apostles, spoke of Joseph's experience in prison, referring to it as a temple-prison because of the many revelations he received during his time there. See the following link for more the words of that amazing and powerful address; http://lds.org/library/display/0,4945,538-1-4543-1,00.html
I won't attempt to provide insights such as those given by Elder Holland, but hope you will take the opportunity to read his words.
I would like to talk about my own experiences with time to think and the revelations and guidance that God has given me in my great times of need and trial, as he did to Joseph Smith. Now, there are some fundamental differences; 1) I don't proclaim to have come anywhere near experiencing the same degree of trial and hardship that the prophet Joseph did while in prison 2) I've never been in physical prison nor had any trouble with the law and 3) The understanding and revelation which I have received have been for just myself, and not for a whole body of people such as Joseph Smith as the prophet of God's church.
I am grateful that in our day, and in my current situation (studying, going to school, having enough for my needs) I am able to spend time pondering and thinking. Because my life isn't overly burdened with physical labor or chaotic occurrences, I often have moments, such as this, where I can exercise my mental muscles, if you will. I know, by experience, that our mental capacities are limited and that it can be exhausting and unhealthy if we think too much. But I have come to learn and understand so many aspects of human nature and humans' relationship to God because I have been able to sit still, think, talk with a good friend, and write my thoughts down. I am also grateful that it doesn't require an extended stay at the nearest prison to have such time and occassion to think deeply about things.
I am Christian because I believe that Jesus Christ has made our eternal happiness possible by dying for our sins and being resurrected, and because I believe that He makes possible answers to so many of life's most pressing and crucial questions; questions that, if left unanswered, can leave us feeling stuck, trapped, imprisoned. Perhaps I we can consider Joseph's 5-month stint in Liberty Jail in Missouri as a sort of allagory or metaphor for our mortal lives here on earth; though an imperfect comparison, there are a few important similarities that we can learn from. First, we are here but for a short time, relatively speaking (Joseph's 5 month stay was roughly 1/100 of his whole mortal life) And during this relatively short time, we have occassion to learn many things and be taught many important lessons by God and by our trials and difficulties. And as God says to Joseph in response to his desperate pleadings for God to reach out to his people and help them, "My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; and then, if thou shall endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high;" (If you'd like to read Joseph's words which he wrote and some of the revelations God gave to him while in Liberty Jail, please see http://scriptures.lds.org/en/dc/121
If we trust in God during this time on earth, which is extremely short relatively speaking, I have faith that God will truly bless us.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Let him warn his neighbor

This is heavier subject to take on in a theoritically fully-public forum (though I'm not sure if anyone else has ready any of my blogs yet...), but I wanted to discuss a principle of the Christ's teachings that has a great deal to do with those around us, and not just ourselves. In other words, a lot of Christ's teachings are things that we can do within our own personal realm of influence, which tends to be ourselves and perhaps children if we have them. But according to Ezekiel 33 (beginning in verse 1) as we touched on it in my doctrine and covenants class lecture last week, every man who has been granted knowledge of God's plan and of the trials which will come as a result of sin and wickedness on the earth has the personal responsibility to warn others of these consequences and to invite them to follow Christ's teachings, which are taught (and I believe) to be the only means of escaping the dreadful effects of sin and mistakes. He that has been spared any grief, heartache or trouble because of his knowledge of Jesus Christ and his Gospel of Peace is commanded to extend to others the same privilege. By so doing, he frees himself from responsibility for their actions. Failure to do so means that God, the Heavenly Father of all human beings, will hold him accountable for that pain and sin which could have been spared had the gospel message been shared.
While on one hand, encouragement to keep this commandment to warn others might seem as if it might be purely for selfish motives, but I feel that to be effective in such a difficult task, one can has to be motivated at least in part by a love of his neighbor and a love of God and also a trust in God's plan of happiness for his children; for if I don't trust in His plan for me, what are the chances that I'll step out of my comfort zone to invite others to learn and follow it too? Pretty slim. Please let me know if you notice anything in my behaviour or thought pattern that might be contrary to Christ's teachings that I might be spared additional pain and sorrow, I hope to do the same for you!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Bueno, que se indica por el título de mi blog, quisiera publicar de vez en cuando en español también. A ver si poner los tildes y acentos me da la gana...
Mi blog se trata principalmente de las cosas que he aprendido o percibido durante la clase que estoy tomando en la universidad de Brigham Young (BYU) en Provo, Utah. La clase se llama Doctrina y Convenios, su nombre viene del libro, llamado lo mismo. Esta semana se nos enseñó el principio de que Dios, como Juez justo, nos permite escoger lo malo aunque haga daño a los justos, y esto para que sus juicios para nosotros sean rectos. Pues, me gustaría tratar una parte de ese principio que a mí me ha tocado mucho en esta última día, y es que Dios permite.
Una decisión muy importante y bien pesada se me ha presentado últimamente, una que podría afectar mi vida mucho para siempre. He buscado los consejos de padres, amigos, mi obispo (soy mormon, y cada congregación tiene obispo que es llamado para velar por los miembros de su congregación y sus necesidades y bienestar). También he buscado mucho saber la voluntad de mi Padre Celestial en cuanto a mi decision a traves de la oracion. Al pedirle respuesta, no me llega. Llegó el momento en que tuve que tomar mi decision. En ese momento, me sentí con mucha confianza y tranquilidad al tomar la decision. No fue porque se me revelara algo clarito, diciendome lo que Dios quiere que yo haga. Mas bien, me di cuenta de que como Padre, Dios me tiene muchísima confianza y que él me permite tomar las decisiones para que yo aprenda a ejercer mis facultades de pensar y razonar. Yo sí creo que nos provee guia siempre, pero por lo general, yo creo que nos deja con la oportunidad de usar nuestras capacidades de pensar para decidir lo mejor que podamos y que él nos apoya en esas decisiones. En vez de decidir por mí, él me permitió decidir, cosa que me enseña cuanto Dios cree en mí y cual podría ser mi potencial como hijo suyo. Bueno, espero que tenga sentido todo eso. Dime si tienes alguna pregunat o comentario al respecto. Buenas noches!

That Justice may prevail

This past week in my Doctrine and Covenants class (I'm a student at BYU or Brigham Young University where we are able to take classes about religious subjects) one comment was made that I paid particular attention to; (I paraphrase) "God allows mankind to commit sins, even to the detriment of others, so that His judgments of them and their punishment are just." I want to discuss a topic which is a bit of a side-step from this statement but which I thought of in response. I have come to appreciate this week the amazing principle and truth that God allows. As was hinted at in my first blog post, my life has taken an unexpected turn in the recent weeks. I have had placed before me a weighty, crucially important decision that could truly determine so much of my future and my relationship with my Heavenly Father. As I went about seeking guidance from peers, trusted friends, parents, and inspiration through prayer, the clear-cut, easily-recognized answer I was hoping for never opened before me. I felt so weighed down by the weight of this situation and decision, wondering how and/or when God would reveal to me the path to take. Never happened.
And yet just a couple of nights ago, I was blessed with profound peace as I made a decision. I didn't make this decision because I God told me to, but rather because God allowed me to. He trusts me enough to examine a decision, do everything I can to seek his will, then decide based on what I feel would be best. I have struggled for so long to understand how great the trust is that Heavenly Father has in me, I was resistent to the idea that I am a capable individual with mental capacities to help guide and direct me. Now this brings me to an important point; I do believe that God can, and often does, provide specific guidance to do certain things, and I also believe that whenever He leaves a decision for us to make even after we have done all we could to seek His will, He will always protect us from going too far down a wrong path. This is taught beautifully by Elder Richard G. Scott (one of the 12 apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or Mormon church);
"What do you do when you have prepared carefully, have prayed fervently, waited a reasonable time for a response, and still do not feel an answer? You may want to express thanks when that occurs, for it is an evidence of His trust. When you are living worthily and your choice is consistent with the Savior’s teachings and you need to act, proceed with trust. As you are sensitive to the promptings of the Spirit, one of two things will certainly occur at the appropriate time: either the stupor of thought will come, indicating an improper choice, or the peace or the burning in the bosom will be felt, confirming that your choice was correct. When you are living righteously and are acting with trust, God will not let you proceed too far without a warning impression if you have made the wrong decision." (http://lds.org/ldsorg/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=2354fccf2b7db010VgnVCM1000004d82620aRCRD&locale=0&sourceId=bf2eb5658af22110VgnVCM100000176f620a____&hideNav=1)

I am thankful that God allows; He allows us to make our own decisions because He trusts us and our ability to do good. I am also thankful to know that Jesus Christ has paid the price for my sins so that I can repent and be forgiven for those mistakes I have made after making a wrong choice. God is just. But just as important is that God is merciful.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Peace amidst turmoil

Here goes post number one. Today has proven to be a particularly...unique and exacting day. Life's circumstances have made it clear that I can't and won't ever have TOTAL control over them. At times today, and on many other occasions past, it almost seems that Life's Circumstances have spoken through a megaphone; as the message rings through my ears, I may misinterpret them as saying that I have NO control. But I have found peace in the belief (and personal experience) that despite difficult-to-manage situations will always affect me, I am in control of certain things and I will have the blessing of deciding how certain things in life turn out.

Niccolo Machiavelli suggested something similar in his book, The Prince (though I ask you to refrain from too quickly comparing me to him). He says, "I estimate that even if fortune is the arbiter of half our actions, she still allows to control the other half, or thereabouts." While I don't know what fraction or percentage of life's circumstances are left to "fortune" (or powers out of our control), I do believe that I have been granted the ability to act for myself and to make certain decisions as I see fit. Tonight I have had occasion to feel tossed about by what feels like untameable circumstances, but thanks to reflection, prayer to my Father in heaven, and the power to act for myself, I have found tranquility and peace.

I have never blogged before. In fact, I had no idea how to. But I found some helpful info on the website moregoodfoundation.org and here I go! Along with a video about what blogs are (http://www.moregoodfoundation.org/how_to_blog), this website contains a few excerpts from a talk or lecture that Elder M. Russell Ballard gave about using New Media (such as blogs) to share with others our personal beliefs and experiences, hoping that good can come of it. Elder Ballard is what we call an Apostle, or messenger, for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (or, the Mormon church). I am grateful for the opportunity to follow his counsel in hopes that I can get acquainted with others willing to share their thoughts and points of view. I am a member of the mormon church and I especially look forward to sharing, through this Blog, something of "Things that me interesan" (Or, "Things that interest me." I hope to contribute in spanish also, thus the mixed blog title.) I believe that while many things things are beyond my own control and will, there is an all-Loving and all-Powerful creator, and I believe that he is my and your Father in heaven. With this belief comes that belief and peace that all things are within His control and His will.

Good night!